Geafoodlab est
un conteneur d'idées

Un laboratoire au goût de maison, de famille, de souvenirs et de nature. Un petit « conteneur » dans lequel sont conservées les valeurs que nous considérons fondamentales non seulement pour ce projet mais aussi pour notre vie quotidienne : le respect de la Terre, le dénominateur commun qui nous lie à vous tous, et le respect de la tradition, revisitée pour l'adapter de plus en plus aux besoins de chacun.
Derniers articles

The Best Planetary Mixers on the Italian Market: Find Out Which One is Right for You

A detailed guide to the best planetary mixers available in Italy, with in-depth analyzes of the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each model, followed by a delicious recipe to inaugurate your new purchase.

Pet insurance: which one to choose?

Dog and cat insurance is one of the pet insurance options. This form of insurance covers veterinary expenses if your pet gets sick or has an accident. However, the coverages offered vary from company to company.

Treating your teeth with food: which foods damage and which strengthen your teeth?

Find out which foods can cause dental problems and which are beneficial for oral health. We delve into the negative effects of sugary and acidic foods, and reveal foods that can help you strengthen your teeth and keep them healthy.

Types of dog food and how to improve the well-being of your four-legged friend

Discover the different types of dog food available on the market and how you can improve the quality of life of your four-legged friend.

The Best Planetary Mixers on the Italian Market: Find Out Which One is Right for You

A detailed guide to the best planetary mixers available in Italy, with in-depth analyzes of the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each model, followed by a delicious recipe to inaugurate your new purchase.


The best air fryer models on the market in 2023

In recent years, air fryers have earned a prominent place in kitchens around the world. Thanks to their ability to fry foods without the use of oil, these fryers have become a popular choice for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but still want to enjoy the taste and crunchiness of fried foods. As […]


The best vacuum cleaner models of 2023

In recent times, the development of technology has given rise to a wide range of increasingly innovative and powerful vacuum cleaners. There are several models on the market with unique features and at varying prices, all aimed at improving the home cleaning experience. In this article, we will discover some of the latest proposals on […]


Vacuum cleaners: the latest types on the market

Vacuum cleaners are one of the most used household tools, and in recent years they have undergone a significant transformation thanks to technological innovation. Household appliances manufacturers have developed increasingly sophisticated, efficient and ecological models, capable of satisfying every need. In this article, we will analyze the latest vacuum cleaner models on the market, focusing […]


The most used types of kitchen knives for a perfect recipe

Kitchen knives are essential tools for any cook and play a vital role in preparing meals. Choosing the right knife can be the difference between smooth preparation and a frustrating experience. In this article, we will explore the most commonly used types of kitchen knives , describing their characteristics and their specific uses. With in-depth […]


The best types and models of flatware for your kitchen

The dinner service set is an essential element in every kitchen. Not only is it needed for serving meals, but also for presenting food in an attractive way. There are many models of dinnerware sets available on the market, each offering a unique combination of style, function and design. In this article, we will explore […]


Dish service for your kitchen: features that should not be underestimated

Dishware is an important element of the kitchen. Not only are they useful for serving food, but they can also add style and beauty to your table. When choosing a dinner set, there are many factors to consider, such as the material, design, size and cost. In this article we will explore the various models […]


Rediscover your perfect smile with dental implants: a guide to available procedures

A bright smile is a sign of confidence and well-being, but many people are faced with the loss of one or more teeth, which can affect not only aesthetic appearance, but also functionality and oral health. Dental implants are an innovative and long-lasting solution for restoring missing teeth, offering a range of procedures that can […]


Oral hygiene: a healthy smile for a happy life

Oral hygiene is essential to maintaining a healthy mouth and a bright smile. Proper dental care not only prevents problems such as tooth decay and gingivitis, but also contributes to the general well-being of the body. In this article, we will explore the best ways to take care of your oral hygiene, including the best […]


HIV symptoms and treatments: Understanding and coping with HIV infection

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection is a global health problem that requires constant attention . Understanding the symptoms of HIV is essential for early diagnosis and prompt treatment. This article aims to examine in detail the symptoms of HIV and the treatment options available . We will explore the different stages of HIV infection, the […]


Dermatitis: symptoms and treatments for your skin

Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. Characterized by symptoms such as itching , redness and irritation , dermatitis can cause considerable discomfort and affect the quality of life of those affected. In this article, we will explore the common symptoms of dermatitis and the most used treatments […]


Summer vitamin deficiencies: how to deal with them and choose the right supplements

Welcome everyone to our blog dedicated to health and wellness! As summer approaches, it’s important to pay attention to our vitamin needs. Many of us may be at risk of vitamin deficiencies, as hot weather and changing dietary habits can affect our nutritional balance. In this article, we’ll explore the main vitamins we need in […]
