
Types of dog food and how to improve the well-being of your four-legged friend

Discover the different types of dog food available on the market and how you can improve the quality of life of your four-legged friend.


The delicious cheesecake cake recipe: two preparation variations

Find out how to prepare a delicious cheesecake, a delicious and creamy dessert. In this article we will show you two variations: baked and cold. Follow the detailed steps to get a flawless result.


Baked sea bass: a delicious and healthy dish

Find out how to prepare a delicious baked sea bass recipe, a dish rich in flavors and beneficial properties for health. We also know the characteristics of sea bass fish and its tasty alternatives.


Baked kale chips: crunchy and healthy

Find out how to prepare baked kale chips, a tasty crunchy and healthy snack. We also reveal the nutritional properties of this superfood.


Tiramisu: the classic recipe and the origins of an Italian dessert

Discover the history and recipe of tiramisu, one of the most loved desserts in the world. In this article we will reveal all the secrets to preparing an authentic tiramisu, following the traditional recipe step by step.


Discover the different types of coffee: taste, origin and recommended brands

Come and discover the many types of coffee most used on the market, their peculiarities and differences, together with a detailed analysis of coffee beans and their origins in the world. Furthermore, you will find a selection of recommended coffee brands and their distinctive characteristics.


The best types of computers for photo and video editing for recipes in the kitchen

In the digital age we live in, photography and video have become essential components for creating captivating content for recipes in the kitchen . Photo and video editing requires processing power and hardware resources to achieve high-quality results. In this article, we will explore the types of computers most used for photo and video editing […]

pezzetti di cavallo al sugo

Horse chunks with gravy recipe

Horse pezzetti with sauce are a pillar of the Salento tradition: in every Salento village there is at least one butcher's shop specializing in horsemeat and it is precisely from these master craftsmen that it is necessary to "extort" the secrets of the true original recipe for horse pezzetti. Just think that in Torre dell'Orso, […]

Gamberi con il lardo al forno

Baked prawns with lard recipe

There are things that cannot be explained… and the delicious flavor of baked prawns with lard is one of them. A perfect recipe to serve as an appetizer or as finger food because, let's face it, enjoying them directly with your hands has a completely different effect. Etiquette aside, all you need is just 20 […]
