Mayonnaise recipe light and quick

maionese ricetta leggera e veloce
Category: Archive Cooking recipes
Tag: #light #recipes #sauce #vegetarian

Until a few years ago I bought packaged mayonnaise but when I tried to reproduce it at home I realized that the comparison didn't hold up.
The recipe for this light mayonnaise (which doesn't "go crazy") comes from my brother, with ingredients that are never lacking in our kitchen and, above all, it's quick to prepare if you have any immersion blender available. The result is an exceptional mayonnaise with a light and delicate taste, perfect to combine with meat and fish dishes and obviously with frying in all its forms!

As I already told you, the recipe is very simple, let's see in detail how to prepare it…

mayonnaise ingredients eggs vinegar oil

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 1 egg (preferably organic – free range)
  • 1 tablespoon of white vinegar
  • 170 ml of seed oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
hand blender mayonnaise

How to prepare it:

  • The most essential thing for proper preparation is the egg at room temperature . If you usually store eggs in the fridge, put the egg out a few minutes beforehand (to speed it up, move it to the hob if you're cooking, or to the oven if it's on).
  • Take a tall, narrow container, usually supplied with your trusted minipimer ( hand blender ). We use in particular this Ariete Pimmy 3 in 1 model with hand blender, chopper, electric whisk purchased from Amazon .
  • Open the egg and place it inside, add a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and give 2/3 whisks to start mixing the mixture
  • Then start adding the seed oil slowly while blending everything, avoiding stopping
  • When you're about to run out of oil, make small movements from top to bottom to make the compound homogeneous
  • You will notice that the mayonnaise is ready by its creamy and thick consistency and by the "dull" noise produced by the blender

The amount of oil indicated is for a medium-sized egg, you may need a little more or less.
You'll see, by dint of doing it you'll go by eye not weighing the oil!

I suggest you try adding some spices like pepper, turmeric or paprika to give a special touch to your homemade mayonnaise.
My brother, for example, is obsessed with ginger mayonnaise … try it!

Enjoy your meal!

Published: 2020-04-12From: Flavio

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